Thursday, April 17, 2008

Review: A WRINKLE IN TIME, Module 7, Fantasy

L’Engle, Madeleine. 1962. A WRINKLE IN TIME. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Books. ISBN # 0440498058

Meg Murry is an awkward teenager who doesn’t seem to quite belong anywhere. Her father has been absent for over a year on a secret mission. One stormy night three strange old women approach Meg, Charles Wallace, her intelligent younger brother, and Calvin OKeffe, an acquaintance from school. These women send the children off on an incredible journey through the universe utilizing a tesseract, the fifth dimension. This mission reveals a black shadow that is overshadowing the Earth. The children face evil in the form of IT, a being that controls every aspect of his followers. The followers of IT have no free will or choice. Meg and the others soon learn that IT has Meg’s father in his grasp. Through hope, faith, and love Meg is able to free her father and give the human race a chance at a bright future. This is a magical story in which characters are transformed and travel is miraculous. Good triumphs over evil. Meg grows from an insecure girl to a competent and resourceful young woman. This story will entertain children as it explores the possibilities of our universe.

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