Saturday, April 5, 2008

Review: ALL THE WAY HOME, Module 6, Historical Fiction

Giff, Patricia Reilly. 2001. ALL THE WAY HOME. New York: Random House Children’s Books. ISBN # 0385322097
Mariel is an intelligent young girl who has survived polio. She has survived but she is left deformed and self conscience. The disease has not only taken her proportionate body but she is also left without her birth mother. Brick is a farmer’s son who is struggling to hold on to his family’s dream of success. These two young people are put together through unusual circumstances. This is a story of friendship, cooperation and loyalty and how polio and apple picking are tied together. It is through this friendship that each character is able to realize their dream. This historical fiction novel is set in 1941 and there are many details which let the reader feel a part of this time. Benny the ragman travels with his horse and rag wagon daily. Mariel’s adoptive mother, Loretta, is careful to care for the points of her required nursing cap. Dodger’s games blare from radios throughout town to let readers know the importance of American Baseball. Readers will enjoy this story of two children who face and conquer challenges using their intelligence and drive while learning about life in 1941 America.

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