Saturday, February 23, 2008

Review: NOAH'S ARK, Module 3, Traditional Tales

Pinkney, Jerry. 2002. NOAH’S ARK. New York: SeaStar Books. ISBN # 1587172011

This is the classic Noah’s Ark tale of the deserving getting a second chance. In this tale Noah is given a message by God and, following his faith and hard work ethic, he builds an immense ark. The illustrations do an excellent job of conveying the story. They are colorful, realistic, and full of detail. The wickedness on man is illustrated with baron landscape and fire. Noah is presented as a capable and thoughtful man. As the construction of the arc progresses the reader can see just how massive it is. The varieties of animals are full of movement and life. Once the flood arrives the reader can see the arc floating above peaceful marine life and drowning cities. The story ends with the hope of a new and prosperous existence. As Noah begins work on his new life a beautiful rainbow is seen on the horizon to seal the promise.

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